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Accueil Rubriques Beauté - Bien-être Massage - Relaxation Massage-classic, sportive, therapeutic, connective tissue - NYON

Massage-classic, sportive, therapeutic, connective tissue - NYON

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13 years experience as a Licensed body worker - ASCA accredited - excellent reputation

Kamy Lavanchy Offers

RELAXING massage (classic/swedish) includes kneading, stroking, tapping and rubbing to increase blood flow to muscles and connective tissue and restore their normal level of homeostasis. Massage also has a positive effect on the lymphatic system, as well as on the internal organs via the body's reflex zones creating a deep relaxation within the body.

SPORTIVE massage - focused on preparation/recuperation and injuries. The psychological effects and benefits of sports massage include:
improved relaxation
minimal muscle tension
higher range of movement
scar tissues improvement
better recovery by raising blood circulation to the affected spot
mitochondrial development, which is the power station for muscle

THERAPEUTIC massage - going deeper into the bodies needs of releasing emotional blockages, pathologies and stress

CONNECTIVE TISSUE massage - is a manipulative technique that facilitates the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of pathologies. Observation and manipulation of the skin and under skin tissues can have a beneficial effect upon tissues remote from the area of treatment. These effects are revealed by neural reflexes that cause an increase in blood flow to the affected region together with suppression of pain. CTM is becoming accepted more widely as research confirms the claims of an expanding population of practitioners.

Prix: 130.- CHF
Numéro de référence:4648139
Informations sur l'annonceur
Membre depuis:02.07.2013
Ville:1260 Nyon (VD)
Téléphone:788... Voir le numéro
Email:Répondre par email
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